Monday, September 22, 2014

Peaceful Submission

"Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! Oh what a foretaste of glory divine. Perfect submission, all is at rest, I in my savior am happy and blessed!"

The beloved old song says it so well. I'm learning that a lot of the songs are good prophetic teachings. This one makes it clear that submission to the Lord is what causes the fruit of blessed assurance to be full and sweet to the taste of all. It causes glory divine! My friend, we must realize that obedience is not about learning how to get God to do what we want, no matter how noble it might seem. It's all about becoming one with our Beloved. Jesus died so that we can overcome all opposition and apprehend power, love and a sound mind that cannot be distracted from the purposes of God. He is King of a great kingdom that cannot be shaken and we are invited to learn of him and to take his yoke. I can tell you that it is a process of total commitment to get to the place he has prepared for us, but the rewards are rich, sweet and eternal. His love is so gentle yet so overwhelming. His mercies never fail, and His grace is all sufficient as we remain yielded vessels. I hope that sweet submission to his ways and his blessed assurance will become our heart focus!

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